Landing Page vs Full Website


0:00 All right, today I’m talking about landing page versus website and just a little bit of information about each of them It’s something that gets talked about online, you know When is the best time to use a landing page versus a website first? 0:13 I’m gonna start with a few definitions of both of them So we’re gonna start with landing page. What is a landing page? 0:20 It has a lot of different names It’s a lead page, a squeeze page, static page, definitely vaccination page, it’s a click funnel, it’s a million different things but more than anything the entire goal of a landing page is to convert the prospect to do one single thing usually to a single call to action 0:38 so this is most common you’re gonna see with like various ad campaigns whether it’s Google ad campaigns, Facebook ad campaigns stuff of that nature where you have them on that page to do one single thing to opt in to buy a product to buy a service to book them into a discovery call, whatever that might 0:56 be that is basically be core of a landing page. It’s gonna have information about who you are, what you do, how you help them, plenty of social proof and then usually the call to action sometimes it’ll include a video as well explaining how they do it and what, you know, what they do for that particular 1:12 service or prospect. However, they help them. So a website it showcases all of your products and services. Basically everything that you do falls under your website or at least it should. 1:25 And it showcases all of your expertise. Like you should be dumping vast amounts of info into your website. Otherwise it’s not being utilized the way it should be. 1:39 It’s great for blogging. This plays back into showcasing your expertise. You need to be having your blog posts on there as well. 1:45 You know, in addition, if you’re doing YouTube videos, if you’re doing any sort of content, uploading all of that and the transcripts onto your website as well. 1:53 Because those are great for SEO. Everything you do on the website is going to be great for SEO. Ultimately, you know, a website, your- gonna be able to optimize that as much as you want for SEO. 2:07 But because a landing page is so small and usually, I mean, usually has a chunk of content on it, but it’s tough to rank on Google when you only have a thousand words versus a website that has 50,000 words or whatever. 2:22 So, you know, I recommend if you’re ever gonna do an SEO campaign, which is something that my company can help out with by the- you want to have a full website. 2:31 And we could go into what makes a good website versus a bad website, what makes a good landing page, a bad landing page. 2:38 But I’m just gonna show you guys an example of a good landing page and it’s a service that you guys all know and that some of you love. 2:46 So I’m gonna showcase that right now. It’s right here. This is it. It’s This is a landing page in its core. 2:56 Basically, you know, unlimited movies, TV shows and more. Their entire goal, their entire goal on their page right here is to get you to enter your email address and start the sign up process. 3:08 That is their entire goal here. They have a join or TV, watch everywhere, create profiles, download, watch your shows offline, some FAQs, and the, And again, down here at the very bottom, a call to action to enter your email to get started. 3:23 You know, if we’re talking about full websites you know, my website is an example here. We’re still working on optimizing some stuff, but this is a full website in the fact that it showcases all of our services. 3:36 It has some FAQs on what we do, some about us. Projects, past projects we worked on. Blog section and then we also have like industries case and industry pages that we’re working on building out like 20 more of these case studies and various other info. 3:52 Like this goes very in depth and the beautiful part about my website is the fact that we’re driving clicks from Google and we’re able to organically get a presence online without paying for anything other than the content that we’re already. 4:06 Making for social media. So that is you know, those are some of the examples there. You know, if you need help with your website and you want to chat about that, feel free to hit me up. 4:17 Once again, my name is Cameron with driven media. Appreciate you guys time. Make sure to like, subscribe to this video. 4:23 Leave a comment if there’s something useful. But yeah, thank you. We’ll see ya.

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In the realm of online marketing, the terms “landing page” and “website” are often discussed in relation to each other. Understanding the differences between these two tools and knowing when to use each one is crucial for optimizing your marketing efforts. In this blog post, we will explore the definitions of landing pages and websites, their key features, and when it is appropriate to use them.

Landing Pages: Focused Conversion Machines

A landing page, also known as a lead page or squeeze page, serves a singular purpose: to convert prospects into taking a specific action. These pages are typically associated with targeted ad campaigns on platforms like Google or Facebook. The core elements of a landing page include information about your business, how you can help your prospects, social proof, and a clear call to action. Videos may also be incorporated to explain your offering in detail. Landing pages excel at driving conversions for specific actions, such as opting in, making a purchase, or scheduling a discovery call.

Websites: Showcasing Your Expertise

A website, on the other hand, serves as a comprehensive platform that showcases your products, services, and expertise. It is the digital hub of your business where all your offerings are presented. A well-utilized website encompasses various elements, including detailed information about your services, a blog section for sharing valuable content, and even integration of other content platforms like YouTube. Websites are essential for SEO purposes, as the extensive content and optimization potential allow for better search engine rankings. They enable you to establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

Optimizing for SEO: The Power of Websites

Websites offer unparalleled optimization opportunities, especially when it comes to search engine rankings. While landing pages are designed for specific conversions and may have limited content, websites can house thousands of words, making them more conducive to SEO strategies. If you plan to embark on an SEO campaign to boost your online presence and attract organic traffic, a comprehensive website is highly recommended. It provides ample space to optimize content, incorporate keywords, and enhance user experience to drive organic search traffic to your site.

Real-World Examples

To illustrate the differences between landing pages and websites, let’s take a look at two examples. serves as an excellent example of a landing page. Its primary goal is to entice visitors to enter their email address and sign up for a subscription. The page presents key features, benefits, and FAQs, all leading to a clear call to action. In contrast, a full website, such as Driven Media’s website, showcases a wide range of services, past projects, blog posts, and in-depth industry case studies. This comprehensive website allows for maximum exposure, organic traffic generation, and authority establishment.

Choose the Right Tool for Your Business

Ultimately, the decision between using a landing page or a website depends on your specific marketing objectives. Landing pages excel at focused conversions and are ideal for specific ad campaigns, while websites offer the versatility and space to showcase your expertise and attract organic traffic. Consider your goals, target audience, and marketing strategy when determining which tool is best suited for your business.


Understanding the distinctions between landing pages and websites empowers you to make informed decisions about your online marketing efforts. Both tools play crucial roles in converting leads and establishing your brand presence. Whether you require a focused conversion machine or a comprehensive digital platform, choose the tool that aligns with your marketing objectives. By leveraging landing pages and websites effectively, you can maximize your online presence, attract qualified leads, and drive business growth.

Thank you for reading! If you need assistance with your website or want to discuss your marketing strategy, feel free to reach out to us at Driven Media. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our content for more valuable insights.
