Web Design

Website Design

Don't see your industry or specific site type here? Contact us as we have custom solutions for almost all businesses.

Local Businesses

Website Design

If you’re a local business, we create websites that are geared for your area that will convert visitors the first time they come to your website.

Corporate and National Company

Website Design

Corporate and Enterprise websites are normally made on a national level and can include info pages, knowledge bases, and other integrations.

Custom Development


If you have a feature that you need on your website, there’s a good chance that we have the solution and can program that directly into your new website.

Website Designing

We aim to improve the quality of our products while simultaneously reducing costs​

Job Portal Website


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Corporate Website


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Ecommerce Website


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DRVN Media Process

Our process is what sets you up for success in online marketing.

Our first step in the process is onboarding you as our valued client. We initiate this phase with an in-depth onboarding call. During this call, one of our expert strategists will walk you through our designed website wireframe maps. These maps serve as a comprehensive blueprint of what the website’s pages will look like. This interactive session gives everyone a clear vision from day one and establishes a roadmap for the entire project. Most importantly, it also provides an opportunity for everyone involved to contribute their insights and ideas, ensuring a collaborative approach to the project.

Website Onboarding and Planning


After establishing a clear roadmap and onboarding you, we move on to the second step – designing your site. We commence this phase with the most crucial part of your website – the homepage. Our team will make an attractive, user-friendly, and responsive homepage that encapsulates your brand’s essence. Once you approve the homepage design, we proceed to design the remaining pages, ensuring each complements your brand ethos and serves your site’s overall purpose. At this stage, we also undertake the meticulous task of migrating content from your old website, all while creating new content that we might need for the site.

Design and Development

As the final step, prior to launching your website, we conduct a thorough quality assurance check. Given that all our designs are custom-made, we ensure that your website is fully functional across all devices, including desktop, tablet, and mobile. Our team diligently verifies that all buttons, integrations, and other interactive elements are operating correctly and as intended. Once we are confident in the flawless operation and overall quality of your website, only then do we proceed to launch it. This process takes your new, high-quality website live onto the internet, marking the start of a new chapter for your online presence.


Blog & News From Us!

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Landing Page vs Full Website

0:00 All right, today I’m talking about landing page versus website and just a little bit of information about each of them It’s something that gets talked about online

Our Website Projects

See our latest websites here.

Projects one

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Projects one

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Projects one

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“Your IT Solution Is Just A Phone Call Away”

Let DRVN Media steer your business to success online.